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About Us

MONO SQUAD was designed and put in production in 2022 in Singapore by Max García and his team. We love streetwear. We don't have a separate section 'Men' and 'Women'. We just make bad-ass, cool gender-neutral clothing for anyone.  


Our aim is to do business responsibly.  We use a made-to-order production approach that prevents overproducing. The inks used for our printing (DTG) are water-based and non-toxic. Our supplier uses packaging made of recycled plastics for all apparel orders and donates returned and damaged products to charity.

However, as Mono Squad, we think this is not enough.  Although our supplier is considered one of the most sustainable when it comes to the print-on-demand business, they don't give full transparency yet to the factories where the production of the items takes place to guarantee good work conditions for all workers. They promised that they are working on this.  As Mono Squad we will continue to monitor this closely. Meanwhile, we do our best to offer you as much as we can products that are produced ethically and sustainably. We encourage you to buy our organic shirts, which have a 'Fair Wear' label.* 

We also donate 10% of our profit to the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). (In the USA: World Wildlife Fund and in the Netherlands: Wereld Natuur Fonds (WNF).

Our dream for the future? To have our own factories for beautifully designed streetwear and guarantee a fully sustainable and ethical cycle for all our products.


* The Fair Wear Foundation is an independent multi-stakeholder organization. They work together with clothing brands and relevant organizations from the clothing industry to improve working conditions in the factories.

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